Danvers Indoor Sports Arena | Brownfield Site
Danvers, Massachusetts
A former brownfield damaged by years of chemical manufacturing, the site needed to be decontaminated to reclaim its use to accommodate a 150,000 square-foot, solar roof indoor multi-sport complex.
Meridian provided land use planning and design services, including utilities and stormwater management facilities to redevelop the brownfield site. Several design challenges including a high-pressure natural gas main that crossed the property, and Activity and Use Limitations (AULs) needed to be addressed and mitigated to avoid potential impact to stormwater resources, to protect wetland resources, and to provide groundwater infiltration.
IRC Solar Roof Systems, the design/build contractor for the arena, installed a 1.4MW roof-mounted PV system consisting of nearly 5,200 photovoltaic panels, one of the largest solar arrays in New England.